Saturday, November 2, 2013

Been a bit!

 Today, I was supposed to do my monthly weigh, tape, and bikini pictures...but I feel so bloated that I didn't want to do that to myself. When things even out in a couple of days, I will...I feel like it'd be more fair to myself. Haha.

 I have a confession to make, though.

 I ate bean chips and candy for dinner last night. Not because I didn't have something planned - I did. In fact, I had a gorgeous Quinoa Crusted Pizza that I was going to top with some of the Healthy Alfredo Sauce, grilled chicken, tomatoes, broccoli, and a little fresh mozzarella. It was going to be AMAZING! But about an hour before dinner, I went in to start the crust and that's when I saw that the quinoa had needed to soak for 4-8 hours first. Well, crap. And while I was thinking about what to make/warm-up instead, I ate bean chips and mini Snickers and Twix. Really, I don't know what happened. And then I decided that I shouldn't eat EXTRA food on top of I ate more mini Snickers and Twix. So. That was dinner. I hadn't had a flub like that in MONTHS..but just went with it, because sometimes it's like...whatever. I'm not perfect and Halloween candy is delicious. Besides, I'd eaten so perfectly clean for the rest of the day! Oh..excuses excuses ;)

 No worries, though. Today, I have the quinoa soaking because I WILL make that pizza today, I'm roasting a bunch of zucchini and I have Creamy Chicken Tomato Soup in the crockpot that will be portioned out and put into the freezer.

 I've really been filling up my freezer feels so good! My plan for the 15th is to not have to buy a ton of groceries...I'll mostly be eating from the freezer. I'll pretty much only need to buy produce and Thanksgiving items (I'm attempting to do a cleaner Thanksgiving menu..I'm really excited for that challenge!).

I'll post this week's meal plan in just a bit :)

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