Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Only Person You're Competing With is YOU

  Yesterday was such a busy day around here. Schedules tend to get thrown off when my boys are out of school longer than the typical weekend. So, it meant no alarms..and waking up later than usual..and when you wake up a little later than usual, everything you typically do gets pushed back. We still loaded up and headed to the YMCA. The boys totally don't like going. I tell them mommy asks for an hour and a half of their day when they come with me. It isn't an option. I mean..what else do they have going on anyway? Got a job you need to rush back for? Haha!

(I won't apologize for the lack of makeup in my workout pictures. I don't do that sort of thing.) 
35 minutes of weights and a 3.5 mile run. I'd finally pushed myself to run at an 8.5mph pace! Don't get too excited, though..yesterday was intervals so we're talking 8.5mph for a minute at a time. But STILL! I remember when 6mph felt like sprinting. Progress! :)

 Afterwards, my husband called (Squee!!!). We chatted for about an hour. He asked if eating cleanly was still going to happen when he gets home? He's worried he'll miss some of his favorites, I imagine, but he's also very excited and wants to know what to expect. Yes. I told him it isn't about depriving ourselves..don't think about it like that (because we're not!). It's about being healthier and continuing to eat things we used to eat but only...cleaned up. Like the shepherd's pie I made the first time I ever made him anything (pre-dating)? I'll still make that...but I'll use sweet potatoes or mashed cauliflower..grass-fed ground beef or turkey..load up on veg. Or his favorite chicken pot pie. We'll still eat these things..but they'll just be better versions. This isn't a punishment! 

 I'm not even as super strict as a lot of clean eaters (I mean..it's obvious in my meal plan..). But I think it's pretty dang good! My body has really enjoyed the way I've been feeding it lately. It's even been rewarding me with feeling less tired. I'm into that. :)

 I don't really love shopping with all of the kids..but I definitely NEEDED to go. I'd done a pretty good job of clearing out the kitchen before my shop 2 weeks ago and I was due to shop on Sunday and here it was Monday with 3 hungry kids (one VERY picky eater amongst them) and I'm standing at the fridge like...'uhhhhh..let's see..' So I HAD to take the kids out shopping with me. I pulled together a quick list of things I'll need for recipes and survival til my rest day on Thursday when I can spend more time and energy doing the big shops at multiple stores. 

After we got home, I whipped up a batch of this granola to throw into plain Greek yogurt and school lunches for the next week or so. Delicious!
Remember my Personal Victories post from a few days ago? Well, this picture is from this morning. I shaved another 10 seconds off that time! I felt like Forrest Gump, "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!!"

 And the BEST part about this feeling? Is knowing I'm only going to keep smashing goals and my fastest times are only going to get faster. At least for a little while longer, right? I'm not the fastest woman in the world..but I'll bet I could pull off an 8:45 mile by the end of the year.

Ohhhhh snap! New goal! ;)